10: Misfits in History, Part 2: Tarrare - The Insatiable Appetite of History

Step back into the peculiar annals of the 18th century with Hometown History's second episode in the Misfits in History series, where we uncover the baffling life of Tarrare. Born with an insatiable hunger in rural France, 1772, Tarrare's story is a bewildering blend of myth and medical mystery.

In this episode, we trace the origins of Tarrare's ravenous journey from the French countryside to the dimly lit salons of Paris, where his extraordinary eating habits made him an object of both scientific wonder and sideshow curiosity. We'll explore his stint in the French Army, his desperate and bizarre acts to satisfy his constant craving, and the attention he garnered from the medical doctors of his time, baffled by his condition.

Tarrare's legacy is a tapestry of human oddities, medical anomalies, and a life story that continues to challenge our understanding of what is possible. This episode serves up a narrative so rich and strange, it promises to linger in your thoughts long after you've listened.

Join us on itshometownhistory.com for an in-depth journey into the life of one of history's most fascinating misfits. Subscribe and share your thoughts on this tale of perpetual hunger and the quest to understand the extraordinary.

As always, we appreciate your reviews and engagement. Share with us how Tarrare's incredible story has captivated you, and stay tuned for more episodes that reveal the intriguing puzzles of human history.


11: Misfits in History, Part 3: George Dibbern - The Sea's Philospher


9: Misfits in History, Part 1: Emperor Norton - San Francisco's Imperial Enigma