17: Liberty's First Crisis: The Amendment that Shaped a Nation

Step into the birth of American liberty with this episode of Hometown History. We trace the urgent strides of the founding fathers as they crafted and enshrined the First Amendment into the U.S. Constitution, declaring the unyielding principle of free speech. This wasn't just a legal formality; it was a bold statement of the values that would define a new nation.

Join us as we converse with acclaimed author Charles Slack, diving deep into his book "Liberty's First Crisis." Together, we'll explore the dramatic history and the pivotal moments that tested the limits of America's commitment to free expression. From the ink of the quill on parchment to the court cases that forged the boundaries of speech, discover how these early decisions continue to resonate in the fabric of American society.

For a deeper understanding of the controversies and triumphs that have shaped the right to speak freely in America, and for more gripping tales from the annals of history, visit us at itshometownhistory.com.


18: The Greatest April Fools' Day Hoaxes in History


16: Feathers of Controversy: Franklin's Take on America's Bird