26: Robert Smalls: From Enslavement to Heroism

Prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary tale of Robert Smalls,** a figure whose name is not as renowned as it should be in the annals of American history. Smalls' life reads like an adventure novel, from the chains of slavery to a pivotal figure of the Civil War.

In this episode of Hometown History, we uncover the remarkable story of Robert Smalls, an enslaved African American who executed one of the most audacious escapades of the Civil War era. His courage didn't just change his own life; it impacted the course of U.S. history.

Join us as we delve into the life of a man who commandeered his way to freedom and beyond, challenging the status quo and becoming a symbol of bravery and resilience. For a story that deserves to be known, for a hero that should never be forgotten, visit us at ⁠itshometownhistory.com.


27: Madam C.J. Walker, Part 1: Trailblazer of American Enterprise


25: Dispelling Myths: The 'Dumb Blonde' Stereotype Examined