120: Secrets From WW2, Part 02: Unveiling Project Sunshine

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It's said that truth is often stranger—and more chilling—than fiction, a sentiment that finds its proof in the covert operations of World War II. In this episode of Hometown History, we peel back the veil on one of the war's most secretive endeavors: Project Sunshine. It was a mission not fought with bullets and bombs but conducted in the shadows of government laboratories and international politics, where the stakes were the very building blocks of life itself—radioactivity.

As we unravel the layers of secrecy that have long shrouded this project, we travel from the quiet corridors of American science institutions to the diplomatic tensions of the post-war world. Project Sunshine was a global effort, involving not just scientists but unwitting families, and its legacy reaches far beyond the historical confines of the war. The revelation of Project Sunshine's objectives and the lengths to which governments went to carry them out reminds us of the war's far-reaching impacts, some of which continue to echo in the modern world. Listen as we explore the reasons behind this secretive operation, the ethical lines crossed, and the real human stories at the heart of this mysterious project.


121: Secrets from WW2, Part 03: The Woman Who Won WW2